The Carbohydrates Strike Back

This weekend we celebrated my Grandmother’s 90th birthday

Brisket, Cake, and everything else sugary and starchy scattered the kitchen turned buffet line.

I stayed clear of the bread, the beans, and potato salad, easy.

I even added butter on my brisket. No bbq sauce!

Buttered brisket is amazing, by the way.

Added a good dose of bacon boiled green beans to the side. Put butter on them too. Delicious!


I tell you, I had some wild eyes and questions pointed at me. Several people even told me how unhealthy it was.

I just glanced down to my 115 lbs of missing weight and shrugged, saying. “Seems to be working for me.”

Then I slathered more butter on brisket and yummed it down in front of a few confused cousins. .

Later a few asked “So… How much weight you’ve lost again?”

A few of them started to question what they thought they knew about health.

I also had a few others educate me on how it’ll make me fat.

Ah, family. Gotta love them


Anyway, I ended up having the cake.

Pineapple, coconut, cream. I think it’s called hummingbird cake. It was great. Anne Marie and I split a piece. That was enough of us both.

You know, some carbs are worth it. It was my grandmother’s 90th birthday after all.

But I also had half a sugary iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts. Good news was I couldn’t drink the rest. -shudder, Too much sugar.

I had some cranberry ambrosia. It was tart, not too sugary in taste, but then I had another serving. oops!

I even took a small bite of the other deserts. Way too sweet! Wow! Have my taste buds changed in a year!


By the end of the day I had over 2800 Calories.

  • 154 g Protein
  • 186 g Carbohydrates
  • 164 g Fat

My big mistake was going back for more when the sugar burners got hungry.

I’m not upset about it.

I’m not mad.

I’m just Tuesday morning quarterbacking. I'm just identifying and accounting for what happened.

It’s good to know where the holes are in your defense. Even if they don’t need to be immediately shored up.


We had the opportunity to parade the field at Minute Maid Park and catch a real life major League Baseball game.

I say that because my 3 yr. old has been waiting for this day a long time! He was so excited, he squealed when I woke him up. Literally!

It also was another carbohydrate heavy day for me.

  • I ate the hot dog
  • I ate nachos
  • I ate popcorn
I was grazing, craving food all day.

When I got home and started preparing dinner, I even created a flank steak and jalapeno cream cheese eggroll!

Yes, it was amazing and worth it!

But I created it because I had the munchies!

Luckily, I had keto friendly stuff around, sans the egg roll wrap.

No big deal in the end but all the nickels and dimes added up.

Sunday I clocked in at over 2300 Calories. I expect it was more. I’m sure I missed so stuff.

  • 82 g Protein
  • 110 g Carbohydrates
  • 121 Fat

My eyes widened a little bit when I saw those numbers.

I’m past the point where I freak out about it

But that’s over 2 weeks of carbs on the standard keto diet… in 2 days.

I can see where it could freak someone out.

It inspired me to write this.

I think it could help someone.


Friday Morning, I weighed in at 184.5 lbs.

That’s the lowest I’ve weight in longer than I can remember.

Monday Morning, I weighed in at 189.5 lbs.

5 lbs. in 3 days.

Trigger alert for most people.

Have you ever been there?

Discouraging, right?

All that work, squandered.

That’s what my inner critic still says.

But that inner critic isn’t accurate.

He’s easy to prove wrong.

It’s good to prove him wrong.

Take away

Gaining 5 lbs in 3 days is scary.

But remember, you’re looking at a snapshot.

Like in stocks, if you look too close, it’s a scary roller coaster.

But sometimes you need to zoom out.

Look at the bigger picture.

It’s not failure unless you quit.

Don’t quit.

I’ve had plenty of these weekends by now.

They come and they go.

But your goals remain.

This is what happens.

To You

Have you even experienced a weekend like this?

A perfect storm of carbohydrates or calories?

A weekend where it felt you fell back a month in progress?

Did you give in and quit, or did it turn back for good?

Let me know. I’d love to hear about your journey.

Talk soon.


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