Keto FAQ

Decided to make a post addressing frequently asked keto related questions. I'm not a doctor and am not giving out medical advice. I'm sharing with you what works for me and several other people I coach. As always, your mileage may vary.

How many calories should I eat on Keto?

This is the wrong question and it will pull you into the trap of caloric restriction. This is not a diet of caloric restriction.

Instead, focus on staying around 20 g carbohydrates or lower a day, 1 g per 1 kg of your ideal bodyweight. Past that, consume fat to satiety.

For me this looks like this. 15 - 25 g carbs, 68 - 83 g protein, and the rest in fat.

Note: 68 g is my lean body weight in kg and 83 g is my current body weight in kg. As I lose more weight, my range will likely go down. There are also days I'm over 100 g. Do your best with what's given to you daily and press play again the next.

There are days I'm under on protein. There are days I'm over on carbs. It's okay. We do our best daily, and learn out individual unique requirements as we progress.

What should my macros be?

Start out at with 5 - 10 % carbs, 15 - 30 % protein, and 60 - 75% fat. That's where you start but it is not typical to stay there. Most people need to fine tune their diet to their lifestyle.

Adjust your macros at your own pace toward 20 g carbs, 1 g per 1 kg of bodyweight, and the rest in fat. Once there, you can adjust more to your unique needs.

Note: For me this looks like this: 15 - 25 g carbs, 68 - 83 g protein, and the rest in fat.
What the actual values are: 25- 50 g carbs, 50 - 90 g protein, and 86 - 199 g fat (Taken from MyFitnessPal logs).

There are days I'm under on protein. There are days I'm over on carbs. It's okay. We do our best daily, and learn out individual unique requirements as we progress. Press Play Daily.

What's the easiest way to meet my fat macro?

If you are not  hungry, don't.

Otherwise, add cheese, oil, cream, or butter to existing natural foods to up fat to satiety.

Why am I always hungry?

You're likely salt deficient. Add more sodium to your diet.

Small amounts of salt even enhances flavor of water, coffee, and tea. Extra points if you add butter or cream to your warm drinks.

Have a question?

Please, ask it. I'll give you the answer which works for me. It might also work for you. 
Keep Calm and Keto On. 


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