
There is a point where an incline looks flat. Don't let it fool you into believing you are not making progress. The ratio for improvement can only go to far per skill set. After, it's severe diminishing returns.

Don't get frustrated at the apparent lack of progress. If you're putting in the work, somethings happening. Get transparent in your accounting, and find out exactly what that something is.

Have faith in the system. If you're changing strategies every week, you might be running around in circles. Dedicate 6 weeks to a plan and stick to it the best you can. Log your progress so you can see your improvements. Don't trust your memory to remember where you were day 1, day 7, etc. Write it down.

At the end of your time, review your progress. What worked, what didn't. The adapt your strategy for the next 6 weeks. Also stop looking to be perfect. Look to progress. Too many people try a body builder's routine and wonder why it's not working. Start simple. Two cokes a day to one coke a day is progress. Drinking one extra glass of water is progress.

In the end, these all make up the bricks of success. Build your success one brick at a time.


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