Week 9

Week 9

I thought I was bought in but I swear there’s levels like onions I keep peeling off.

But that means I’m progressing which excites me.

It’s a rabbit hole of adventure and wonder. I just explored the surface!


Week 9 is focusing on the Bullet Proof Coffee and Teas.

I’m excited to try them. One month ago, I was swearing them off. My perception keeps flipping upside down.

So many prejudices I’m not even aware of, daily, get illuminated. I’m glad I’m seeing them so I can work on them.

I’m also discovering things which don’t work.

Bulletproofing Cold Coffee isn’t the best idea.

At least not for me. YMMV.


Like I explained in my expectations, I changed up my macros.

5% Carbs

80% Fat

15% Protein

The real average was

8% C / 76% F / 16% P

Here is my weekly summary


My weight is still going down. I’m not trying to cut anymore. Instead, I’m letting my body find it’s homeostasis.

Right now, I’m at 188 lbs.

That’s over 112 lbs of total lost weight.

So surreal.

So crazy is the continued drop. I'm not even trying to calorie restrict anymore. It's debunking my whole idea of CICO.

Check this out. 

I'm at 24% BMI.

From 40% BMI.

In two years. 

I'm not special. 

If I can do it, you can too. 


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