Keto Good Idea Bad Idea - BPC

My wife and I were chatting last night about BulletProof Coffee (BPC).

I've known about BPC for a while now but it wasn't something that interested me. At least not until I reworked my nutrition strategy for week 8 - 10.

I realized my existing strategy wasn't feasible.

I needed fat supplementation.

Bring on oily coffee.

Good Idea


For those who don't know. BPC is coffee with grass fed butter or ghee and coconut or mct oil.

Yes. You read that right.

Butter and Oil.

Buttery, Oily Coffee.

Guess what. It's a Good Idea!

I liked adding a grind of Pink Himalayan Salt (PHS) and a tiny amount of Erythritol Stevia Blend (ESB) to mine.

Bad Idea


BulletProof Cold Brewed Coffee

  • 1 tbsp Kerrygold
  • 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 1 grind PHS
  • 1 squirt (ESB)
  • 1 cup >cold brewed< coffee

The things about saturated fat is they solidify in cold temperatures.

The fat turned into a thousand tiny coffee flavored boba balls as I mixed everything together.

It was an experience. I don't recommend others trying the cold version. Stick to hot coffee when BulletProof-ing your coffee.


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