Afraid To Fail
Note: So far I found five excuses not to write this and it's not even the first line. Change Why is it so hard? Why do we resist it so? What about change terrifies our lizard brain so much that we seek to destroy ourselves just to not try? Why are we so afraid to fail? Do we feel unprepared? I talked about quitting smoking a decade before finally finding a real reason. A reason strong enough to override my irrational belief I would never quit. I had to find a fear more ferocious than the pain of quitting to take my first real step. Before, I was pacing without real direction. I had to Dig down deep to find determination to travel the painful road between where I was and where my goal lied. Backstory My dad died when I was two. I never knew him on a conscious level. Later in life, my step dad died due to cancer from smoking. I watched him wither away at the hospital. I watched as my 9 mo old son look at me with a sad curiosity as I lit up near him because I just had to ha...