Drinking from Dangerous Wells

Most of us know drinking salt water is bad. (And for those who don't, the salt dehydrates you more than the water hydrates.)

But in many aspects, we continue drinking from the dangerous wells of life and wonder why we aren't being satisfied.

One aspect is weight loss.

Dangerous Wells

Junk food is a dangerous well.

When you drink (or in the case, eat) from the dangerous well of junk food, you are selling your self short term. Stop forfeiting your future for fleeting fixations!

You are trading what you want most for what you want now. The junk food looks good now, but the dangerous well of junk food will leave you with less then whence you arrived. It looks good now but it always looks better before than it feels afterward. You know this.


I know it's tough. I struggle too. But the only way we get tough is by getting tough. Declaring no to dangerous wells toughens you so you can fixate your gaze on your goals. Stop compromising on your goals, stop selling

yourself short term 'solutions'. They 'solve' nothing. These dangerous wells are devoid of 'well'ness. Seek instead the wells which bring you toward your goals. They are worth the walk.


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