Wasting Motivation?

Motivation won't get you far if you don't have direction.

Imagine your foot planted, pedal to the medal, tachometer redlining, in the fast lane of a super highway ... but, your car is in park.

How far do you go? And how long can your survive like that without blowing your motor?

No amount of motivation will help you if you are not willing to take a step in a direction. Without direction, motivation is wasted.

So, get out of park. Shift goals into gear and start moving toward them.

It's scary. I know. I feel you. But what is more scary? Taking taking step, or remaining where you are?


You see, taking the step might seem terrifying, but it's the anticipation we really fear. That's why there's so much build up in scary movies.

Alfred Hitchcock said "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."

Many of us are so scared to 'fail' we never try in the first place.

We aren't machines. We aren't perfect. We won't always get it right the first time and that's beautiful.

Usually 'failure' isn't nearly as bad as we fear it will be. But 'Not Taking a Step' is.

So again, what is more scary, what do you fear more? Taking a step or remaining the same?

Taking the step takes you out of your comfort zone. But then again, nothing grows in the comfort zone.


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