Not every opinion is worth listening to

When you have goals, it's important to find others who's beliefs line up with them. Is not it easier to communicate with those in agreement?

Imagine getting fitness advice from someone who doesn't care about fitness.

Don't surround yourself with the wrong people and expect the right results to fall in your lap.

Dumping Friends

Then should you dump friends who don't share you views?

Just because your friend doesn't share your interest in fitness or weight loss doesn't mean you can't share other interests. I know many gamers who don't care about weight loss.

No problem! I still love them and we still frequently hang out.

Of course, if they ever do become interested, they know who to talk to.

Imposing Views

The issue arrives when their goals impose on your goals.

If you struggle with overcoming an addiction to sweet deserts and your friends keeps offering you ice cream, their goals are imposing on your goals.

Listen, it may be a good intention invitation and perhaps you haven't communicated your struggle properly to them.

Before assuming ill intent, clarify your struggles. Let you goals be understood.

But if they consciously persist to impose on your goals, they're being bad company. There's only so many times you can sit with ice creamers before you ice cream yourself.

The analogy works better with smoking

Drawing Circles

I'm not saying to unfriend all your ice creaming friends. I'm not telling you to stop caring for your friends. It's not a you vs them mentality.

I'm talking about limiting their influence on you. Being selective about the people who affect your decision making.

Those with input in your life will shape who you become if you allow it. You need to be aware of this.


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