On the 7th day

I love when blogs inspire creative juice within me. Stuff unconnected yet link magically from the wisdom of others. A shout out to Pfit blog which inspired this post.

Even God rested on the 7th day.

And I don't think he needed to rest. I think he did it to remind us we needed to rest.

You see, God wasn't done on day 6. He still did stuff on day 8 and he's still doing stuff today. I think he wanted to model a strategy for us. One that WORKS.

It's like gardening which I found I'm horrible at (but that's a different story). I think we can agree working 1 day and resting 6, the weeds will overtake the garden.

But what if you tend to your garden 14 days in a row? 21? 28? How much better, how much faster will your garden grow? Where do the diminishing returns start to kick in?

Another thing I realize is God didn't just rest on the 7th day. He sat back and relaxed each evening too. "It was good" He saw.

I imagine after a good day of work, he proceeded to take an Epsom salt bath in the golden garden tub in the sky with a crisp glass of Shiraz at his side and some Christopher Tin in the background.

He could of worked all day and all night, 28 days straight. He could of snapped his finger and had it done in under a second.

But he stopped after seeing a good job done each day for 6 days. Then on the seventh, he set it aside, made it holy, and rested.

So many I work with get discouraged falling off the wagon after 2 weeks of hard work at weight loss. I mean, sometimes I have to talk them from leaping off a dietary ledge into the bustling traffic of junk food.

My heart goes out to them. Here they are, doing so well, SO well. And after 2 weeks, they are crushed, ready to quit after 1 bad day. 1 bad day!

Sidewalk Analogy

Picture walking down the sidewalk. Now, Look down as you walk and do you notice something? Every 10 or so fee, there's a thin strip of wood.

There's a reason there's a strip of wood after every 10 feet or so of side walk. The world moves! It cracks, breaks, and crumbles daily!

Likewise the world cracks, breaks, and crumbles plans! Sometimes, those plans are yours.

But when you stumble over life's cracks on the sidewalk of life, remember the reliable strip of wood in front of you! It prevents the destruction of the world from continuing to destroy your entire path. It'll prevent your entire plan from being destroyed too.

So take that rest every 7th day. Place that reliable strip of wood down in your plans. Make a day of rest, a day you can unwind a little bit. A day you can ease off your restrictions for a minute before picking your mantle back up again. I'm not saying to eat the whole cake. I'm not saying to eat the whole pizza.

I'm saying, if you looking to lose 1 pound a week, go for a calorie deficit of 600 for 6 days. On your 7th day don't aim for a calorie deficit. That's still 3600 calories for the week.

And stop focusing on the crumbled sections of sidewalk you tripped on. Push past the best you can. Overcome obstacles when they appear.

But there's no use in worrying about them. They're already at your back. You have a reliable thin strip of wood in just a few more feet. And You got a whole new section of sidewalk in front of you that needs your focus.

If your focus on the crumbled sidewalk behind you, you're gonna keep tripping on things.

So head forward. Because you have a goal. You got somewhere to be.


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