Pokemon Go. Greatest Social Game to Date?

My friend Gregory states "Pokemon Go is the greatest social game to date".

That's high praise but he has a point.

For years MMOs kept him, myself, and millions of others in our houses. We were connected in MMOs, but only virtually. Physically we were hidden in dark hideaways double clicking relentlessly at a glowing monitor.

Not a sterling definition of social.

But now millions of people are leaving their house and heading to parks and community centers to catch them all. Millions of people are now outside, walking every single day, meeting others they would have never met otherwise.

There are already reports of Pokemon Go couples. Players who met chasing Pokemon now going on dates. Like I stated in Pokemon Going, it's only a matter of time until Pokemon Go is mentioned in wedding vows.

What's more, savvy businesses owners are capitalizing on the craze. They are intentionally placing Lures at PokeStops near their location to attract potential customers. They also run specials for Pokemon Trainers.

That's genius marketing!

Shoot, in Grand Rapids where Gregory lives, it looks like a perpetual concert downtown. Thousands of people chatting and cheering at Pokemon captures and PokeGym victories line the city.

Power strips provide by random Pokemon Trainers line the avenues with phone chargers of all types so anyone can connect and play without worrying about their battery dying.

Do you think Pokemon Go is the greatest social game to date? If not, what game is? Let me know.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Anne Marie & Psyduck
Photo court Chris & Nataly

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