
Showing posts from 2018

Test and Commit or Revert

This post inspired by this podcast: The amount of times I've wasted hours... days... even weeks chasing the rabbit down the hole, only to find a dead end and back, back, back up to a previous point (in which I probably didn't commit). Too many to count. TCR sounds scary at first. If your test don't succeed, you revert to your previous save point. It reminds me of the days of Contra or Mario. But the other solution is a lot more like a Roguelike. Go go go, and hopefully you got it right... because it's going to be a log way back, cleaning up you divergence. There's a reason the speedometer is updated continuously. Imagine only knowing the speed once a minute. It's dangerous. So is coding waterfalls. The 1980s wants their methodology back. We can do better. We should do better. Let's.

One Small Step - Carbs

20 g carbs a day is hard If you’re used to 300. Some people can’t go cold turkey. I couldn’t. What to do? Instead of ‘All or Nothing’ Give up what you can, now. If you’re at 300 g carbs a day, try 150 g carbs a day. Once you can do that, try 75 g carbs a day. Keep progressing at your pace. Let next week worry about itself. Focus on the small step you can do today which will get you there next week. Progression, not perfection. That’s what gets you to the top of the mountain.

One Small Step - Salt

A week into keto and you feel like crap? I was there too. One reason you may feel salty is because you’re lacking electrolytes. Let me explain. Salty over Salt When we produce less insulin we retain less water. The thing is, our body water isn’t distilled. It’s full of minerals, like electrolytes. So when we retain less, we need to reuptake or consume more. Basically, when keto, you need more electrolytes and more water How? Here’s a few great resources on replenshing your electrolytes.

One Small Step - Bread Alternatives

The best way to climb a mountain is one step at a time. The same way, the best way to succeed in keto is to do one step at a time. One great step toward a healthier life (also keto) is dropping bread. But how do I eat a sandwhich? Great question. Bread Alternatives Lettuce Portabello mushrooms Grilled eggplant Cheese ‘Buns’ Oopsie Bread Keto Bread Last week I had the pleasure of meeting the mind behind Sola.  We had a great conversation about Chinese 5 Spice, braised short ribs, and more.  I haven't had his bread, but today I discovered he sells it.  It's a premium price point but if you really want bread, here's a link. Sola Low Carb Sandwhich Bread  * *Amazon Affiliate Link

Armadillo Eggs from Stone Cold Meats in League City, TX

Last weekend I went to Stone Cold Meats in League City. It is amazing! They have a great selection of cuts and processed meats items. The item I decided I could not live without were the Armadillo Eggs. Cream Cheese Jalapenos Bacon Sausage Tony Chachere’s How could you go wrong with that?! I bought 8 for all my friends, then I forgot to invite them over. =) In the end, they were a tad on the salty side. Next time I go, I’ll ask for them without Tony’s on. Other than that, they were excellent. They took about 20 minutes on the grill, turning every 5 minutes. Perfection. I definitely recommend checking them out. Of course, if you can’t I reverse engineered the recipe. I don’t have the amounts, but if you compare ingrediants and pictures, you might be able to figure it out. Let me know if you do. Copycat Armadillo Eggs Inspired from the Armadillo Eggs at Stone Cold Meats in League City, Texas Prep time: 10 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Ingredients Bacon ...

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers

Looking for a great game night snack? Want something less carbby to munch on during the game? Here’s a great treat for you and your friends. These were one of my favorite snacks when I was strating out on keto. Cream Cheese, Bacon Spice kick of jalapenos What’s not to like? You can even add shrimp to the cream cheese, making skrimp brochette. All you need is some preecooked shrimp. The big ones are great with the tail on. Oustanding treat, appetizer, or even meal. Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers Yield: 20 poppers Prep time: 10 minutes Total time: 40 minutes + Ingredients 10 slices Bacon 10 Jalapenos 1 package Cream Cheese Directions Preheat oven at 300F Cut strips of bacon in half Slice jalapenos in half, longways Remove seeds and membrane from jalapenos Fill center with cream cheese [1] Wrap with bacon Bake 30 minutes at 300F Q and A Q: Why do you cook the poppers at 300F and not 400F? A: You can cook at 400F for 20 minutes but the smoke point of b...

Cream Cheese Scrambled Eggs

After making eggs in the morning for over a year, you'd think I'd of burnt out. Sure, in all honesty I did burn out a few times, but I keep coming back with new variations. Here is my latest. It's inspired by Gordon Ramsay's masterchef tutorial on making the perfect scrambled eggs. On watching it again as I'm setting up this post, I'm proud to say I'm pretty close. I start with the eggs and butter, or bacon fat, in a pan. It's usually 6 eggs for 3 people. I'd like to say it's 3 knobs, in Gordon speak, or tbsps of fat but I never measure. I also work the eggs on and off the fire, like Gordon shows in the tutorial. In the beginning, it was a little awkward, but with practice, it becomes intuitive. My best advice is, once it's not easy to spatula the bottom, pull it off. Keep working the eggs until it's easy to spatula the bottom, then put it back on. Try it a few times, you'll see. Now once the eggs start solidifying, instead of the ...

The Fight

I was on my 5th medallion of raw cookie before I realized I may have a problem. Normal days, I'd of turned my nose up at the sugar laced dough but today I was like an addict, consuming it. 8,9,10 slices. I knew it was wrong. Why could I not stop? What was wrong with me? I couldn't. I didn't know. I was a failure. What's the point? I was meant to be fat. It was a good time while it lasted. That was my thought process today. A failure. Who leads a group of people. Following me. A failure. If they only knew. I remember that voice. It was all too common a few years ago. I thought I defeated it. It's still around. But I remember when I was much weaker than I am now. I rememeber I defeated it. But it's back. I was lax. It grew strength, I grew complacent. So we are back in combat. The person who conquered health and the person who was unhealthy. Who wins? The one I feed. But if it was only that simple. Step one start with admission. ...

Fizz & Co Seltzer

I sip on the cola flavored seltzer while writing. Fizz & Co Seltzers are similar to La Croix. By that I mean, it has a hint of a hint of flavor. If you're expecting this to be a unnoticed change, you'll be disappointed. However, if you need some carbonation in a pinch, it works. The hidden big win with these drinks are mixers. Dr. Flavor or Cola works great with spiced rum! Warning, you may want to use less rum or it will overpower the seltzer. I learned the hard way. So if you drink, try a mixed beverage with less sugar, less sugar alcohol, and less alcohol. Healthy win. At least... healthier win. Talk Soon.


Why can geese fly so far? Community. Each bird flies a little in front of the other. This reduces the resistance for all behind.  Same way, I encourage you to leverage knowledge and experience of those before you. When you discover something interesting, share it with friends. Reduce their resistance when you can. Feel free to start here. Because the lead goose isn't always the same goose. They rotate constantly. Each goose gives to the flock as they can, not over burdening themselves.  This way none get burned out.  They don't lose their path. They make the long haul because it is a long haul. And it's a lot harder to do it by yourself. 

Train for the less Ideal

I am sitting, day 3, in an intensive training course. 32 hours in 4.5 days of automation engineering. So intensive, we don't leave for lunch. They cater it. Yesterday's lunch was pasta. It was a less than ideal situation. You'll come across a less than ideal situation. Train for the less ideal If you are dependant on the enviroment, you depend on the enviroment. There are times you can define your environment. You can manipulate the variables in the definition. You can simulate a lack when there isn't one. You can learn to compensate for that lack. In this case, you can learn how to skip a lunch, with a lunch at the ready. Because sometimes, you aren't ready to skip the lunch. Sometimes you need that lunch. But that's not always the case. But if you try skipping a lunch, you are more likely to skip than if you don't try. With practice, you might find, you don't even need lunch. Not the food. With practice, you can go to the mexican food restaurnt with ...

Impassible, not Impossible

Every push for change come with complications. Some hurdles are a speed bump. Others, impassible. But impassible does not mean impossible. Each day is a new opportunity to learn, to grow. And as we grow, impassible starts becoming possible. We can learn how to overcome the impassible obstacles.

Slowing your Roll

Flying back from San Francisco I had a revelation. You see, we had a lay over in Dallas at Love field. However, we started descending and slowing down before Wichita Falls. I thought it odd. I mean, how long does it take a plane to stop? I checked Google Maps today and this is my result. Over 2 hours by car. I think about how others in the past have told me how they are upset. They just can’t seem to cut carbs. It’s too hard! Well, unless you are a harrier jump jet, I reckon it would be. Now, I’m calling no one a Boeing 737, but I imagine in this case a typical jet can be analog to a typical person. Some people need to descend and slow down gradually. Some people need to lap the airport a few times. Some people are gonna say “Screw this” and look for another airport. Some will tell flight control, or whoever is leading you to ‘Eff Off’ and try it themselves. And some people will decide to trust the system, get lined up, take their time, going at their ...


Last night I saw Hamilton The Musical with the touring cast at the Hobby Center for Performing Arts in Houston. Wow! Now I know pretty much the entire script by heart. And yes, I was mouthing along with the entire cast. But the genius of the choreography blew me away! There’s a ton of context in the music which just comes to life in the performance. There is nuance thread into almost every line. The Musical blew my mind. I see why people pay so much for it. What’s more, I feel like I could go back 3 more times. Each time, pulling back another layer of complexity woven into the heart of the performance. It was that good.


Hypocrisy It’s always there But more and more, I learn how to listen to it. To leverage it. I talk about non perfect diet, non perfect exercise. But where is my non perfect blog post? Where is my non perfect recipe, or get together? I’m a hypocrite, but in hypocrisy, I see places to pivot. I see room to gain ground and grow. It may be a dead end. Or there may be gold at the end of the tunnel. But I must dig to find out.

Diet Soda

One the most recent questions asked was: Can I dink Diet Soda? If you can thrive without them, by all means drop them as soon as possible... Drink Water! Carry on! But most people who are able to do that... Those people don't ask these kinds of questions. People who ask this question, need their soda. Are you following me here? A typical person who would ask a question like this isn't just going to put down the carbonated beverage forever and never look back. They've probably tried to quit soda before and failed hard. No shame. Sugar is a hell of a drug. So, my answer to someone asking this is... Hell Yes! You can drink diet sodas on keto if you are drinking normal sodas. But this is not a permission to guzzle gallons of sucralose or aspartame a day. I want you to get off those diet sodas ASAP! Switch from soda to diet. But as soon as you transitioned to diet, pivot again to something like sparkling or flavored carbonated water. That way, if you re...