Cream Cheese Scrambled Eggs
After making eggs in the morning for over a year, you'd think I'd of burnt out. Sure, in all honesty I did burn out a few times, but I keep coming back with new variations.
Here is my latest.
It's inspired by Gordon Ramsay's masterchef tutorial on making the perfect scrambled eggs.
On watching it again as I'm setting up this post, I'm proud to say I'm pretty close.
I start with the eggs and butter, or bacon fat, in a pan. It's usually 6 eggs for 3 people. I'd like to say it's 3 knobs, in Gordon speak, or tbsps of fat but I never measure.
I also work the eggs on and off the fire, like Gordon shows in the tutorial. In the beginning, it was a little awkward, but with practice, it becomes intuitive. My best advice is, once it's not easy to spatula the bottom, pull it off. Keep working the eggs until it's easy to spatula the bottom, then put it back on. Try it a few times, you'll see.
Now once the eggs start solidifying, instead of the cream fraiche, I add about a tbsp of cream cheese. I don't know about where you live but for me, creme fraiche ain't cheap. In the past, I've used crema fresca, sour cream, mascarpone...
All great. All with their own unique tastes. This one's all about the cream cheese. The best part is they also have jalapeno cream cheese at my store. I don't use it here because the boys would riot but oh my, try that with smashes Brussels Sprouts. Anyways, after adding the cream cheese, I add salt and pepper to taste as the cream cheese melts in.

There's no need to warm the cream cheese to room temperature beforehand. Actually, cold cream cheese slows down the egg cooking process. That's a good thing!
In the past trying this without a cream, I overcooked the eggs a few times. They went straight from divine to yellow rubber! One time I wasn't sure whether I was eating breakfast or my dog's favorite chew toy. I am glad I found this recipe. It has saved me in the kitchen, the cream cheese doubly so.

Once the eggs are ready, I plate. Easy as that. I leave the boys eggs as is. I'd imagine a riot if I start topping their eggs with greenery.
As for myself, I like a few dashes of paprika or a sprinkling of Tajin if I'm feeling festive.

What's your favorite way to make eggs?
TLDR: Recipe
3 Servings
6 Eggs
3 Tbsp Butter or Bacon Fat
1 Tbsp Cream Cheese
Salt and Pepper
Cook eggs in fat
Add Cream Cheese near end
Add salt and Pepper to taste
Serve yumminess.