The Fight

I was on my 5th medallion of raw cookie before I realized I may have a problem.
Normal days, I'd of turned my nose up at the sugar laced dough but today I was like an addict, consuming it.
8,9,10 slices. I knew it was wrong. Why could I not stop?
What was wrong with me?
I couldn't.
I didn't know.
I was a failure.
What's the point?
I was meant to be fat.
It was a good time while it lasted.

That was my thought process today.
A failure.
Who leads a group of people.
Following me.
A failure.
If they only knew.

I remember that voice.
It was all too common a few years ago.
I thought I defeated it.
It's still around.

But I remember when I was much weaker than I am now. I rememeber I defeated it.
But it's back.
I was lax.
It grew strength,
I grew complacent.

So we are back in combat. The person who conquered health and the person who was unhealthy.
Who wins?
The one I feed.
But if it was only that simple.

Step one start with admission.
I have a problem.
A problem I thought I conquered.
It's back.
So but can I.
And So can I defeat this problem I defeated before.
I defeated it was less ammunition.
I just have to pick back up the fight.
The fight it worth it.
Reap the rewards.

It's worth it.
I'm worth it.
You're worth it.
Let's fight.


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