Mini Pepper Pizzas

Sorry for falling off the blogging wagon but there's only so much I can do during the day and Facebook posts I kid but I ha. I've been hard at work with some projects at work and at home. However, that's no excuse to neglect you, right?

Today I want to talk about an appetizer I made, I hope you enjoy it. If you make it, do me a favor and post it on Instagram and tag me.

Mini Pepper Pizzas

I'm growing these peppers in the garden and my wife is trying a keto diet.

That means there is a ton of cheese and pepperoni in the refrigerator.

How people lose weight on keto diets still boggle me. I lost over 100 lbs. and can honestly tell you, I don’t have the discipline to stay under my calories on a fat based diet.

Still, while we’re experimenting with the keto diet, might as well make the most out of it with recipes!

Take a pepper or a ton of peppers. From the store or your garden. This one is my first pepper of the season. Let’s name him Bill.

Well, we wash Bill, then chop him and half to gut his insides. Okay, maybe naming the pepper was a bad idea.

Then we stuff the pepper with cheese. Any cheese works but if you want an Italian themed pizza, use mozzarella. I used a Mexican blend.

Then put stuff on top. Sliced mushrooms. More cheese. Bacon bits. I used pepperoni.

Start up your oven at about 300 to 350

Grease a pan and line them up.

Stick those bad boys in for 5 minutes and enjoy!


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