Get To Stepping To Get Your Steps In

If you live near Houston and haven’t been to the zoo lately, take a trip down nostalgia lane and get a ticket. But also, bring some friends.

Anne Marie, John, and myself met up with other family and took the tour ourselves this past Saturday. I forgot how much I loved it. Of course, my 3-yr old loved it too. I imagine the experience would have been different had he not.

One thing I never noticed, maybe because before I didn’t have kids, was obstacle courses for kids in the zoo.  It was hard getting John away from them but eventually we did by promising to show him the bat cave. Okay, maybe it was a little bit deceitful advertising on my part.

Anyways, we visited the bat exhibit, which was in a cave themed build, dark, with several tunnels. John found one and disappeared. When I caught up, I found him king of the bat hill.

His next favorite exhibit was the African village with the drums. He and I jammed out for a bit on them, I even taught him a few rhythms… even though he has more rhythm than I do.

My favorite exhibit was the primates. If you’ve followed me, I’ve been doing a lot of animal movements.  I just got to say, those monkeys can leap! One jumped from a squat and soared at least 15 feet onto a swinging log, then again to the other side of the enclosure. I was impressed! I wonder if I can do that?


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