Bad Day

So, you had a bad day?

The company brought in donuts this morning and you just couldn’t help yourself, right? You even had to get a kolache, didn’t you?

And then some bad news came in which deflated you. You just don’t want to work out so instead you grab a burger. A big, juicy mushroom swiss burger, no sides held. Just think of all those calories, carbs and mayo. Yeesh!

Then back at home after work and after you've gorged a handful of Swedish Fish, you find wife had a bad day too and wants to eat her misery, and you just know misery loves company. So, you go out for drinks and burgers. Alcoholic milkshakes, really?! You got to be kidding me!

And the burger. Huge with a Y! It was a monster of taste and calories.

So, that was my last Friday. I gained 8 pounds that day. At least that’s what the scale said the next day. One may think I'd of ate the rest of the swedish fish, right?

Not this time.

I dropped 7 of those same pounds over the next 2 days. I didn’t do anything special. I just accepted that was an exceptional day and I thanked God that’s not daily tradition. I could go over all the science as to why I went up and down but that’s beyond the scope of my points.

One day off your diet isn’t going to kill you. Progress isn’t linear. It’s like a dance. Sometimes you need a step back to break through a plateau, to leap over a gap. Hating yourself for it does no good.

What I’m saying is just hop back on the wagon. No shame, spit it out. The wagon starts back up daily, and it’s right there. You don’t even have to run to catch up to it. Just hop on and enjoy the ride. Cause it’ll take you amazing places.

You know what won’t take you to amazing places? Feeling sorry for yourself.

You got this. Get back on the wagon.


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