Keto Week 4 Highlight Reel

I’ve been taking pictures of my food so I could better remember what I ate so I can better log my food in myfitnesspal. Thus, I have a lot of food pictures! (Microsoft Word recommended I use Thus)

So, before I delete them to make room for the next thousand pictures I take. I figure I’ll take a second to drop them into a blog post and talk about some of my favorite courses.

If you are interested in any one of them. Please let me know and I’ll share the full recipe.

Keto MCMuffin Breakfast Sammich

This little breakfast is amazing!


All gratitude goes to Anne Marie for finding and making this Cloud Bread. It works perfectly!

I stuck some bacon, cheese, chicken, and mayo between two pieces. Nuke it for 30 seconds and go to town on them.

They are so a good idea I’m requesting them weekly now. Makes quick breakfast a breeze!

Keto Poppers

These bad boys may look familiar.

It’s jalapeno, cream cheese, and bacon.

You can also use cheddar… Or string cheese.

You can stuff other things in them like fajita chicken, or beef, or shrimp!

You can dip them in beat eggs and the roll them in crushed pork rinds for a deep fry.


Stop what you are doing and go try this.

Just… don’t chop the bacon in half. Use the whole slice. We figured it out the hard way.

Keto Casserole

Did you know green beans are keto friendly?

I didn’t until I was cursing at all the pasta and beans in my pantry, lamenting I can’t eat them on keto.

But then I saw their nutritional contents.

Like a bright beam blinding me for a second, the label blared the fiber content.

Not bad at all!

Just add cream cheese and heavy whipping cream. Top with shredded cheddar or crushed pork rinds.

Oh my goodness.

This casserole went hard!

Bell Pepper Keto Cups

You may remember Bell Pepper Week. Well as I continue on my journey, I keep turning to these bad boys.

So good!

Salty, fat taco meat on top of a baked tender bell pepper smothered in a pepper jack and Mexican blend cheese, topped with… wait for it... Bacon

We fell in love in a hopeless place.

Breakfast Scramble

I use had this yesterday morning and It’s going to land on my top 5 breakfast ideas.

2-3 eggs, beat.

Milk and Heavy cream


Nuke it in a microwave safe container for a minute


Nuke it again

Add more Keto stuff


Nuke it again

It worked perfect with the constant “Daddy Can I have this” from my 3 kids.

About the time they had their stuff on the table, my breakfast scramble was ready.

The funny thing.

I could only eat half of it.

So good.


Soooooo full.

Your Turn

So, what’s your super awesome keto invention this week?

I want to try it out.

I’d love to make it and share your idea

So please, throw it in the comments below.

Can’t wait to hear from you.

Talk soon.


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