My First Men’s Summit

In the beginning of this year, an opportunity appeared for a conference in the Dallas Fort Worth area. This is my record of it.
It took us about 5 hours to get from League City to Roanoke with a stop midway at Buc’ees in Madisonville.
By the time we had luggage down and secured, it was time to head to the conference. This was my first so I had no clue what to expect.

The campus was huge and food trucks and entertainment courses lined the parking lot. At registration, I found out the first meal was free. I heard about Fuzzy Tacos from somewhere, never had them, so had to try them.

After dinner, it was time to line up. There were thousands of guys beside us. The group wanted to sit together. Good luck sticking 20 people together, right?

After the night’s session, they had more entertainment options. It was a wonderful event. We rocked and rolled until they kicked us out for the night.

Next morning, I went rogue and detached from the group. I realized, a singular entity can make their way up to the 3rd row for a concert. Sorry guys, but I’m already a free radical and we’re hoteling with each other. We have plenty of time to connect and reflect there or back home.

I discovered a ton of new, cool, and interesting people. Peter and Alexandro who were amazing partners at archery tag. Nick from Amazon Fulfillment in DFW who was an awesome row mate at the conference. These people I would have never met if I had stuck to the group.
I’ve always been a scouting type who’d break beyond existing group borders to find other interesting people. I was the kid in school who was cool with all the groups, just because they all interested me. I forgot that part of me and am grateful I discovered it. I see it now in a lot of things I do. I’m a huge sampler of life.

One things I realize I do need to work on is my audacity. I’m too reserved in many ways. So much I fill I miss a lot of interesting opportunities. There were several people I could have made longtime friends with. Pray I flex my outgoing muscles more.


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