2 Things I Use to Lose Weight

So I was reading Spencer's accountability blog today. I tell you, I laughed in agreement when I saw his lamentations about the price of nutritional food.

First off, I feel you brother. The initial sticker shock is mighty. But it gets better.

It won't be as cheap as the dollar lean cuisines but at the Vibrant Wellness Journal states better than I:

It's not real food.

It's kind of a WTF moment

A simple salad is 5 times the price of a burger. Heck even an apple can go for more than some dollar menu items. After all, what does and apple need? Sunshine and water every few days?

Then the WTF moment becomes something scary. Why does a complex object with several parts cost less than a single item that only needs sunshine and water?

Come on, how 'cheap' are the materials? I mean how cheaply are they made for them to come out so cheap?

*And we aren't even mentioning profit yields for each component.

Once I thought that, my whole mindset of fast food changed.

But scaring you isn't my intent.

Waking you up is. Sometimes you're going to have to eat food that's not great for you. Don't let it deflate the wind out of your sails.

But when you can, choose fresh quality ingredients. It makes a huge difference. Nutrition is 80% of your health. You can't out work a bad diet.

2 Things I Use to Lose Weight

Food Processors

These have changed the way I looked at breakfast. Now instead of eating sugary cereals, I could just stick some healthy foods into a blender and drink it?

Okay, it's not that simple and there's a learning curve attached to it. Luckily I've done a lot of the leg work and have several recipes down. Here's the first one I made to get you started. I plan of releasing one a month.

Also the type of food processor matters. I had a Kitchen Aide and it was alright until I got a Nutribullet. That was a game changer. If you want to enjoy the journey, I recommend investing in a Nutribullet.

What's more, if you use this link, Amazon will credit me with a small commission at no extra charge to you.

Calorie tracker

These app will really raise your awareness in what you are putting into your body. There are many great one out there but my favorite is myFitnessPal. JJ Peterson also so uses it.

And he knows a lot more about nutrition than I do.

My other candidate is LoseIt. They are both excellent apps but the features myFitnessPal offers wins in the long run.

Don't forget to add me.


There's other things I use so I'll update this list in the future and add it to a resources page.

Until then, what things do you use to help you lose weight? Let me know.



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