February Challenge

It's February! Or according to Hallmark...

It's the month of love!

But so many people constantly neglect the one person the should love most of all.


The thing is, if you can't love yourself, it's difficult to effectively love another. It's hard to fill another cup when yours is empty.

Make sure you remember to fill your own cup this month.


I want to issue a challenge.

For February, I challenge you to take time to love your self.

Specifically, take time to give yourself some positive affirmations.

Measurably 10 time a week. That's only 2 a weekday. Anyone can do that, right.

But will you?

Will you take that tiny amount of time to give yourself that positive affirmation?

What's to lose?

Write your positive affirmations down somewhere where you can see them daily.

  • A journal

  • Your bathroom mirror

  • On Facebook or Twitter

Somewhere you can see them daily.

Don't forget to take that extra second to read over them. Let the works percolate through you like a well crafted cup of coffee.


At the end of the month, let me know how this challenge affected you.

  • What were your favorite affirmations?

  • Which one lifted you up highest and most consistently help you thought the day?

  • Did anyone notice your shift?

  • Did you challenge your neighbor to take the challenge along with you?

You may be surprised how effective a partner in positivity can be.


Allow me to start you with a free affirmation.

I can accomplish this challenge

You can accomplish this and the results will be profound.

Like I said, what's there to lose?

Invest in yourself. Take time to love yourself. And take yourself to the next level.

Challenge Rewards:
+1000 XP


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