Preparing For April

I may have bit off more than I can chew. I made some ambitious goals for April.

What goals you say?

Well, I have a monthly challenge for my YouTube subscribers that I also like to partake in. For April, it's giving gratitude to people who positively influence you. I'm recommending they do this daily and let me know the results at the end of the month.

The Catch Is

I also signed up for Video Every Day in April (VEDA). Now I don't think 30 shout-out videos would add tremendous value to my channel so I'm still going to attempt to create something actionable everyone can take away. At the end of these videos, I'll do my shout-outs and thanks.

So that's 30 days of great content plus 30 shout-outs. It's a lot for me to tackle and will test my organizational skills but I'm excited and a tad nervous to try it. That's why I'm going to do it.

It's just got real.

Channel Hamenopi


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