
Showing posts from June, 2018


Why can geese fly so far? Community. Each bird flies a little in front of the other. This reduces the resistance for all behind.  Same way, I encourage you to leverage knowledge and experience of those before you. When you discover something interesting, share it with friends. Reduce their resistance when you can. Feel free to start here. Because the lead goose isn't always the same goose. They rotate constantly. Each goose gives to the flock as they can, not over burdening themselves.  This way none get burned out.  They don't lose their path. They make the long haul because it is a long haul. And it's a lot harder to do it by yourself. 

Train for the less Ideal

I am sitting, day 3, in an intensive training course. 32 hours in 4.5 days of automation engineering. So intensive, we don't leave for lunch. They cater it. Yesterday's lunch was pasta. It was a less than ideal situation. You'll come across a less than ideal situation. Train for the less ideal If you are dependant on the enviroment, you depend on the enviroment. There are times you can define your environment. You can manipulate the variables in the definition. You can simulate a lack when there isn't one. You can learn to compensate for that lack. In this case, you can learn how to skip a lunch, with a lunch at the ready. Because sometimes, you aren't ready to skip the lunch. Sometimes you need that lunch. But that's not always the case. But if you try skipping a lunch, you are more likely to skip than if you don't try. With practice, you might find, you don't even need lunch. Not the food. With practice, you can go to the mexican food restaurnt with ...

Impassible, not Impossible

Every push for change come with complications. Some hurdles are a speed bump. Others, impassible. But impassible does not mean impossible. Each day is a new opportunity to learn, to grow. And as we grow, impassible starts becoming possible. We can learn how to overcome the impassible obstacles.