Landing Hot in Brazoria

After our journey to Healthy Way Dairy and Runge Park, we still had plenty of time to kill. So I decided to drive. I didn't know where but I figured we'd find something.

We did.

After a bit of driving, we came across the Brazoria Wildlife Refuge. Canadian geese were flying in formation overhead. I guess they have Google Maps too.

Down a county road, we came across the Alligator Marsh Public Hunting Grounds. We weren't too excited to visit for obvious reasons. We were close to the Freeport beaches so I sent a text to Anne to see just how long exactly are we supposed to be gone.


Down the road, I saw more birds in formation, behind them appeared to be the outline of a plant looking kite. It wasn't a kite. I stumbled upon an airfield! The planes were doing trick moves. What's more, it wasn't a normal airfield, it was an RC airfield!

Twitch decision, I pulled in to get a closer look. The kids faces adhered to the windows, staring at 2 planes stunting wonderful maneuvers.

This was why I was lost! I let the kids know, sometimes it pays off to get lost.

What We Found

We get out to investigate, I make sure to remind the kids not to touch unless given permission.

After ogling a minute, I great a man named Marty pulling plan parts out of a trailer. He's teach his daughter ow to fly. After a few minutes chatting, he offers to let my kids take a turn.

I was incredulous!

Does Marty want his airplane to splatter across the marshes?!

That's when he explained his remote has an override feature and he can take control with a press of a button.

And could he!

Have you even seen a 6 yr old try to fly a plane for the first time?


Straight down it went, only pop right back up, overridden each time.

It was mesmerizing!

After a few turns, Emily got a shot. Their eyes were so wide flying the RC airplane I knew what they were going to be begging for the minute we left!

Finally I got a shot at it.

I got to give my kids credit. Flying an RC airplane is tough. I almost crashed a few times too. Luckily Marty was there to calmly override each time. Finally I got a few great backs and then I knew, I'll be begging Anne for a RC Airplane at soon as I get home.

Go figure.


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