Turning Heads

Losing 100 pounds turns a few heads. It also raises quite a few questions like.. How? I've always struggled with that answer. How.. I mean, I didn't go on a strict diet or start a dogmatic routine at a gym. I just got tired of where I was and curious where I could go. I figured the product in front of me was just the sum of my actions multiplied by time. If I changed a few actions, replaced a few habits, over time my product would change. The things is... I didn't have time for the gym or exercise. I'm a husband and a father of 3 young kids who daily need help with homework, food, attention... Still something had to change. I figured the best way to find time was to record how I used the time I had. After a week I realized how ineffective I was with the time I had. With a few changes to my schedule, I found I had a lot more time than I thought. Not only was it less stressful, I also found I had more time to prepare better foods for my family. Those foods h...