This Gamechanging Symbolic Gesture Helped Me Double the Rate I Shed Pounds

(Excerpt of a larger post)

One symbol gesture I use is a simple 3x5 note card with my goal on it. It says states my goal weight and my deadline.

"I, Justin Hamilton, will weigh under 200 pounds by December 31st, 2016."

It has my name denoting ownership, it has my goal weight and it has my deadline. Who, what, and when. If so inclined you could even add a why, where, and how. My why is to be healthy, my where is anywhere, and my how is anyhow.

One interesting thing I find is with this card, I'm better able to overshoot my capabilities. From June 2015 to January 2016 I lost 30 pounds. Following the trend, I surmised I'd get to 210 by the new year so I challenged myself that extra 10 pounds.

Well by April I hit 230 and I'm already in the high 220s. Sticking to my new trend, I should by under 200 by July which would be amazing. Using my note card definitely helped me do this.


For the first 3 months, in the morning I'd look at it. When I was shopping groceries, I'd think of it. When there was cake, I felt it burn in my wallet. There were times I chose to eat the cake and to buy the treat. It's not there to punish you. It's there to be a reminder, something to be aware of.

Now it's April and my habit is automatic. I still keep the card with me because what if I start forgetting my goal if I don't. I don't know.

What if I have a horrible day and just want to eat (or drink) my feelings away? That card is there and it is real. It will remind me of the promise I made to myself. Even if I do go all out and binge eat one night, it will be there tomorrow. Not to judge me for that night but to remind me of tomorrow.

How many times have you broke your promise to yourself? Was it deliberate? Or rather was it just because you did reminder yourself of the promise enough time for it to become a part of you?


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