
Showing posts from 2020

C# Is in VB

Because I never remember C# if (arg is XMLElement) {...} VB If TypeOf arg Is XmlElement Then ... End If

C# typeof in VB

Because I always forget C# if (formatType == typeof(ICustomFormatter)) return this; VB If formatType = GetType(ICustomFormatter) Then Return Me

Notes from early 2016

Failure isn't the opposite of success. Failure is the prerequisite to success. Goals are lighthouses in rough waters Strive to become organized Make time for what's important and what's important will make time for you. It's not what you know, it's what you can give. Find ways to make a difference in another's life Thoughts direct emotions Emotions direct actions Actions direct health Don't settle for an identity of sadness You are not what you struggle with What you are speaks louder than what you say. Time is not a renewable resource We can have more because we can become more Leaders help those who do poor do well and those who do well do better. If you share good ideas, you attract good people. Leadership challenges you to become more than average Make rest a necessity Rarely great opportunities interrupt you. If you want to find, seek. Desire without decision is just a dream. Bad seeds grow bad fruit What's o...

Notes from 1-28-2016

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness Care enough to fail - Seth Godin Always believe something wonderful is about to happen There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it - Alfred Hitchhock Failure is almost never as bad as we fear it to be. But it's our fear we feel, not our failure. - Seth Godin If you're not willing to be tired, you can't run. - Seth Godin If you're unwilling to imagine failure, you're unable to be free - Seth Godin? It's never the right time. Do it anyway. Sacrifice your ego and perception of safety. Go to a place that frightens you. It's always too soon. Do it anyway. Write until you are unafraid to write. A cloudy night doesn't mean the moon isn't there.