
C# typeof in VB

Because I always forget C# if (formatType == typeof(ICustomFormatter)) return this; VB If formatType = GetType(ICustomFormatter) Then Return Me

Notes from early 2016

Failure isn't the opposite of success. Failure is the prerequisite to success. Goals are lighthouses in rough waters Strive to become organized Make time for what's important and what's important will make time for you. It's not what you know, it's what you can give. Find ways to make a difference in another's life Thoughts direct emotions Emotions direct actions Actions direct health Don't settle for an identity of sadness You are not what you struggle with What you are speaks louder than what you say. Time is not a renewable resource We can have more because we can become more Leaders help those who do poor do well and those who do well do better. If you share good ideas, you attract good people. Leadership challenges you to become more than average Make rest a necessity Rarely great opportunities interrupt you. If you want to find, seek. Desire without decision is just a dream. Bad seeds grow bad fruit What's o...

Notes from 1-28-2016

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness Care enough to fail - Seth Godin Always believe something wonderful is about to happen There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it - Alfred Hitchhock Failure is almost never as bad as we fear it to be. But it's our fear we feel, not our failure. - Seth Godin If you're not willing to be tired, you can't run. - Seth Godin If you're unwilling to imagine failure, you're unable to be free - Seth Godin? It's never the right time. Do it anyway. Sacrifice your ego and perception of safety. Go to a place that frightens you. It's always too soon. Do it anyway. Write until you are unafraid to write. A cloudy night doesn't mean the moon isn't there.

Test and Commit or Revert

This post inspired by this podcast: The amount of times I've wasted hours... days... even weeks chasing the rabbit down the hole, only to find a dead end and back, back, back up to a previous point (in which I probably didn't commit). Too many to count. TCR sounds scary at first. If your test don't succeed, you revert to your previous save point. It reminds me of the days of Contra or Mario. But the other solution is a lot more like a Roguelike. Go go go, and hopefully you got it right... because it's going to be a log way back, cleaning up you divergence. There's a reason the speedometer is updated continuously. Imagine only knowing the speed once a minute. It's dangerous. So is coding waterfalls. The 1980s wants their methodology back. We can do better. We should do better. Let's.

One Small Step - Carbs

20 g carbs a day is hard If you’re used to 300. Some people can’t go cold turkey. I couldn’t. What to do? Instead of ‘All or Nothing’ Give up what you can, now. If you’re at 300 g carbs a day, try 150 g carbs a day. Once you can do that, try 75 g carbs a day. Keep progressing at your pace. Let next week worry about itself. Focus on the small step you can do today which will get you there next week. Progression, not perfection. That’s what gets you to the top of the mountain.

One Small Step - Salt

A week into keto and you feel like crap? I was there too. One reason you may feel salty is because you’re lacking electrolytes. Let me explain. Salty over Salt When we produce less insulin we retain less water. The thing is, our body water isn’t distilled. It’s full of minerals, like electrolytes. So when we retain less, we need to reuptake or consume more. Basically, when keto, you need more electrolytes and more water How? Here’s a few great resources on replenshing your electrolytes.

One Small Step - Bread Alternatives

The best way to climb a mountain is one step at a time. The same way, the best way to succeed in keto is to do one step at a time. One great step toward a healthier life (also keto) is dropping bread. But how do I eat a sandwhich? Great question. Bread Alternatives Lettuce Portabello mushrooms Grilled eggplant Cheese ‘Buns’ Oopsie Bread Keto Bread Last week I had the pleasure of meeting the mind behind Sola.  We had a great conversation about Chinese 5 Spice, braised short ribs, and more.  I haven't had his bread, but today I discovered he sells it.  It's a premium price point but if you really want bread, here's a link. Sola Low Carb Sandwhich Bread  * *Amazon Affiliate Link