About Me

I'm a 36 year father of 3 who loves roleplaying games.

Last year I was obese over 300 pounds. Depressed without hope and truly believed my family was falling apart before my eyes. Everything I worked so hard for was just crumbling apart around me.

I felt like such a failure.

Then I remember one day my wonderful wife Anne Marie mentioned she was invited to attend a Les Brown talk at a church in Houston. I encouraged her to go, then asked if I could attend with her. We made plans for her mom to watch the kids.

A Spark

My experience lit a spark under me and I spent the rest of 2015 on personal development and trying to figure out where my niche was. The thing is, by 2016 I realized I was just stretched too then. I was just doing too many different things and wondering why I kept dropping the ball.

I made a resolution the focus on personal health and communication.

Spread Too Thin

I also realized I only had 1 hour of scheduled free time a day.

I retired from leading the Houston D&D Adventurer's League and decreased my game time at the table. I also had to may a few other luxury cuts to my life but by February, I had optimized a lot of my time.

  • My work breaks consisted of walking down and up 6 flights of stairs.
  • My kids exchanged chores for playground time where I was active with them.
  • Nightly TV time became family fun and activity time.
  • I even switched from books to podcasts and would listen to Ziglar episodes nightly while walking.

The Call

On February 14th though, I received a call. It wasn't from my phone but within. I was being pulled to go to church. What's more, this church I was being pulled to was nothing like the church I was comfortable with. I resisted but remembered nothing grows in my comfort zone.

So I risked out and went. I was overwhelmed at first but then I was overwhelmed again. This time positively with the Spirit. I wept in church, more than I had even wept in a church before.

Everything I experienced in the last 8 months and even before started to come into focus.

It all started to make sense.


Now I'm 220, healed of obesity, depression, anxiety... My family is becoming stronger and strong every day.

  • I've learned to trust in my faith and begin risking.
  • I've learned failure is no longer scary to me but necessary to me in order to achieve real victory.
  • I've learned in examining each failure, I'm closer to victory.
  • I'm now helping other combat their weight loss, depress, and anxiety concerns as I continue working on myself.
  • I'm now part of a church serve team and hunger for the word of God.
  • I'm no longer consumed in bitter resentment.
  • I realize that my brokenness is not a shameful thing but beautiful, something I can share with others to help them across their troubles.

Do You Have Dragons?

Are you overweight, have anxiety, struggle with depression?

It's hard to overcome it until you face it. It's hard to face it when you think you are alone.

You are not alone.

Join my growing network of gamers looking to make it to the next level in life. Let's face, overcome, and slay our dragons together!

Be a Dragon Slayer!

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