Join the Dragon Slayers!

Let's face it. Dragon are terrifying!

Fortunately you don't have to face them alone.

Whether your dragon be weight, anxiety, depression; you have allies.

We are Dragon Slayers, fighting the good fight. And we want you to join us.

Get help facing, overcoming, and even slaying your dragons.

Sign up now.

Be a Dragon Slayer!

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You helped me get out from behind my desk and do something about myself. - S.B.

I decided it was time for me to take care of myself and put myself first for a change, thanks to your wise words.
I feel a difference in my energy and in my confidence, even though I haven't lost any physical weight yet, and between your personal 'tutoring' and the group, I found that I have more willpower than I ever thought possible! - E.B.

No one should ever have to feel as down on themselves as I did before starting my journey. It's helped my depression so much to show myself that I can do this.
You have no idea how much you've done for me. I never would have stuck to this if I didn't have you to coach me. - E.B.

I am feeling more confident an motivated not just to live a healthy lifestyle but in other endeavors as well.
I am setting goals and meeting them on a weekly basis. I finally feel like I have a sense of power. - A.T.

Be a Dragon Slayer!

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